Feel like writing?

If you are someone who has a passion for writing around subjects as “Modern House Design” and wants to practice and improve their writing skill we offer you a chance to start voluntarily writing for our website…

What do we have to gain from this?

Success. Content is what it’s all about and if you are someone who can produce quality content, we will be happy to have you on our team since great content equals more visitors and more visitors equals success.

Money. This is all a business and each business’s core objective is making more money so if you are able to produce quality content, you will help us keep our visitors engaged and they will spend part of their time here. The more time they spend here, the more of their attention goes around the website and the more they pay attention, the more money we gain since companies are paying big bucks to be placed in front of people’s attention.

Reputation. We gain reputation from each and every quality written article and reputation is really important to us since it is what holds us standing. The better reputation we have, the more people will like and recommend us and the more people recommend us, the more successful we become, and the more money we make.

What do you have to gain from this?

Experience. First of all, you gain experience and a chance to take your writing skill to the next level by simply practicing it more often having something to practice on is one of the greatest advantages that you have to gain since many times even though people have the desire to practice, they don’t have any inspiration or a subject to write on and having something to look forward to is all that you need.

Look at this as an opportunity to learn and improve so you can have a greater chance of being accepted when you apply for some project later on in life or you can become part of our team if you prove yourself worthy and earn your seat at the table.

Portfolio. Besides the experience that you’ll gain, you can also add to your portfolio since you will be mentioned as the author of the post, and having a great portfolio is what will help you get your first real job where you’ll get paid. Many people may judge us for not paying you for writing for us but if you only know how important a good portfolio is and how hard it is to get your first job as a writer for some company without one, you will take full advantage of this opportunity and build up a decent portfolio that will get you a job immediately, more so you will be thankful in the future since you would have never gotten that job without your voluntary experience and a good portfolio.

Money. If your content is really good and we manage to create a healthy connection be sure that we won’t let you go easily and after you have proven yourself worthy to be part of our team, you will be paid to write for us and that’s when all the previous efforts will pay off.

What do you need in order to be accepted?

Just come up with a title that you believe will suit this website and write an entire post around it after we review it, we will let you know if we think that you can hop on the team and start building a career with us or if you still need to improve.

You can use the form below to apply

Accepted formats: .pdf .doc . docx